Monday, April 14, 2008

If you're not "bitter", you're an idiot.

Barack Obama seems to get in all sorts of trouble when he treats American voters like grown ups and speaks to them with respect and tells the truth. Apparently after at least 30 years of being patronized, coddled, pandered to and hell outright lied to, some Americans don't know how to act when a Politician doesn't put some rosy spin on every subject.

So here were the comments from Obama that drew all this faux controversy:

"You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing has replaced them...And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

Immediately morons everywhere were saying that he was "acting like an elitist" or "out of touch with the middle class" or they clung to the idea that he was insulting people for their faith or for their belief in the Second Amendment. It was pretty sickening just how ridiculous this got.

The wonderful Catherine Crier posted a great article titled, "Punished for the Truth" on the Huffington Post and said this about the comment:

Inartful. That is the only fair criticism of this analysis. Let's ask the voters in Pennsylvania these questions. If the 'distracting' issues of guns, gay marriage and abortion were all resolved to their liking, would their economic lives change? How about immigration? If all illegal aliens were to disappear, would those rust belt jobs return? For so many years, such issues have been used to corral blue collar workers into a party and political philosophy that serves the elites in this country. When someone speaks the truth and acknowledges that this sector of our society has been royally deceived, that issues they rally around have little to do with their ultimate welfare, it is time to banish such a person from the campaign trail.

Nobody was worse about it than Hillary Clinton was. Her entire campaign at this point is all about lobbing desperate hail marys out there hoping and praying for something to sink Obama with Superdelegates.

She tried to pander to Pennsylvania voters by claiming that she, the $100 million income candidate, somehow felt their pain more than Obama did. She went as far to accuse Obama of being so elitist that he would suffer the same fate as Gore and Kerry. Yes in one fell swoop she insulted two better Presidential Candidates than she could ever hope to be and two who won their elections but were cheated by the Clintons' new best friend, Karl Rove and his voting machine and political connections.

I forget now wasn't it Obama who used his law degree to work for poor people while Hillary used hers to defend Sam Walton's Wal-Mart empire?

Seems to me he would know more about what poor and middle class people are going through. Just because she worked for Wal-Mart doesn't mean she was the $6 an hour cashier or exit greeter.

She tried again today to attack Obama on it and got heckled a bit for it.

Maybe that will wake her up for the crap she is pulling (I'm not holding my breath).

But what about the voters that are showing outrage over this?

Every single person who claims to be "offended" by the bitter remarks has taken what he has said and twisted the context around totally. They took it to mean that their (fanatical) love of God and Guns was under attack.

In reality he was pointing out how Republicans use those tools to sucker these people into voting against their economic wellbeing.

Bush and the Rubber Stampers had Congress and the Judiciary for 6 years. Did they try to end Abortion? Nope. How about that Gay Marriage Constitutional Amendment? Nope, didn't go anywhere. What about a serious relaxation of gun ownership laws? Well people might recall the Bush was actually in favor of retaining the laws put in place under the Clinton Administration.

Republicans blew smoke up every one's asses to divide them and make them think these were the serious issues of the day. Then once in office they destroyed the economy. They gave contract after contract and giveaway after giveaway to corporations who shipped these people's jobs overseas. They spent more than any so-called "tax and spend" Democratic Congress ever has.

They deregulated everything and allowed predatory lending to go so rampant that now everyone is losing their houses and our economy is teetering on the brink of collapse into a Great Depression-like state.

People have a right to be bitter and Obama is right to say people are.

My personal opinion though is that the people that are angry that he would say that are idiots. They are likely the ones that STILL haven't awaken to see what their hero Bush has left them. If you are not bitter or angry about how our economy is in shambles, our military is overextended and exhausted, our constitution and civil liberties have been trampled and ignored, our world standing erased and our environment getting us near the brink of extinction thanks to the last 8 years....
then you are a fool of epic proportions and deserve to be deported to a country where your blind ignorance and ridiculous defense of it does less damage. We had 8 years of Bush because of a blind, ignorant electorate and I'll be damned if those people, the people who are offended now, have any further control in who runs our country... or as they would have it, who runs our country into the ground.

Obama spoke about this and absolutely owned Hillary on this issue. He leaves no question as to who represents who and speaks very truthfully and plainly about how valid her arguments are on this.

Hopefully those people that are outraged wake up or wise up. Their slumber or ignorance has damaged our country critically already.


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