Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Katie Couric Needs Journalism School

From the Milwaukee Journal yesterday, Tim Culprisin's Entertainment blog:

C'mon, Couric had job to do, and Edwardses handled themselves well

Katie Couric is taking heat for her grilling of John Edwards and his wife, Elizabeth, over the announcement last week that her cancer has returned.

Among the things that have set some people off in Couric's "60 Minutes" interview was the fact that she repeated questions, seemingly badgering a guy who wants to be president, and his ailing wife.

You can find some of the criticisms along with the transcript posted at cbsnews.com, where Couric is variously described as "cold," "rude," "mean," "insensitive," "a hypocrite," "calculating," and "a disgrace to journalism."

Some point to Couric's husband, Jay Monahan, dying of cancer and Couric's own on-camera colonoscopy, to suggest she should have been more sensitive.

But focusing on the anchor's questions misses their point. Reporters frequently ask the same question many times.

Journalism isn't a polite business. And we shouldn't feel too sorry for Couric: Taking heat is part of her job.

But when you're talking about a very public couple like the Edwardses, there's always a well-planned first response. Getting through all that was the point of Couric's grilling.

The Edwardses have put themselves out there, volunteering to go on "60 Minutes" to take whatever questions come their way. This was no surprise for either of them.

More: http://www.jsonline.com/story/index.aspx?id=582220

Tim does spend time praising the Edwards' on their appearance and poise but he fails to see why there is outrage.

So I responded with why I felt people had a right to be mad in an email this afternoon....



What you're missing in your defense of Katie Couric's interview of the Edwards was that she didn't just grill them as you suggested. Rather she took her questions directly from a political foe that is known for using slanderous comments to assault his enemies. Even Laura Ingraham, usually a bitter partisan foe, was willing to speak well of Elizabeth Edwards while being interviewed on television on the topic.

Rush Limbaugh though takes glee in mocking the sick and assaulting their character. For Katie Couric to be using his questions with the false journalism premise of "some people say" (a dirty Fox News trick to interject their own personal opinions into an interview) gives credibility to insults rather than bringing up legitimate points.

People like Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter insult and name call to get attention and sell their media. At no time ever should legitimate news journalists be using their framework to ask real questions in interviews as that gives them more credibility than their entertainment schtick deserves.

I agree the Edwards made an uncomfortable situation work and handled the interview well enough, but Katie should know better. She should be citing sources and try her best to make those legitimate ones, not just those who scream "FIRE!" the loudest to garner undeserved attention.

Katie Couric's credibility as a serious journalist already is lacking because she and her producers tried to make their newscasts feel more like Entertainment Tonight with a couple of news pieces rather than a real newscast with teeth. Ripping into John and Elizabeth Edwards for choosing to campaign on at a time of tragic news doesn't make her a tough journalist.

It makes her a Republican lap dog.


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