Friday, April 13, 2007

Balls over Brains

Well today was a banner day for Bush.

First he tells us that every email Karl Rove sent from 2001-2005 was missing. That over 5,000,000 emails in all are missing(from as many as 50 staffers).

Then they followed that up with some amazing audacity. Incredible display of balls if there ever was one.

The House and Senate Judiciary Committees issued subpoenas for the emails and for testimony from key aides.

Bush's response? Piss off! He had Fred Fielding, Bush's White House counsel who should know better than to play this game since he was an assistant to John Dean while working for Richard Nixon during Watergate, send a refusal in return.

They asserted executive privilege, which is supposed to be used only in cases of National Security and have now forced Congress into issuing a Contempt of Congress which will bring this matter to the Supreme Court. Even with nutcase Antonin Scalia on that court, Bush faces long odds that he can win this.

This to me opens the floodgates. Win the court challenge and you have access under the Presidential Records Act to see every email from 2001 to the present. Most should be preserved just because there's no way they were able to completely wipe the servers, workstations, multiple accounts of every single person that ever received these emails. It would be damn near impossible.

Go after the servers and it's endgame. I have a feeling you'd find emails involving the intricate details of every major scandal. The lies of the Iraq War build up, details of the 2004 election scam, agreements to reward campaign contributors with government deals, all sorts of stuff. This becomes a huge can of worms and opens the door to every criminal activity and the details therein that will derail Bush and this cabal of crooks not only from their political lives but possibly from regular life when they face criminal charges.

The Administration thinks executive privilege is available to use anytime they don't want people to know how they were breaking the law. This is apparent because National Security is the only time asserting that privilege is considered acceptable. They even went to the lengths to redact (although very poorly) full emails that were released today to prevent people from knowing what they were up to in the US Attorney scandal. Redactions are supposed to only be used for classified information in intelligence memos that are released to the public.

See for yourself.

As if that wasn't enough they even went a step further today in their attempt to become a full blown dictatorship.

They already want the rights to read your mail, are checking your internet searches and they are illegally wiretapping calls. That wasn't enough apparently for Bush today.

They actually had the balls, especially after telling Congress that they will not submit to their oversight and pulling the lost email stunt and blaming them for the troops not being funded (even when it's Bush not signing the funding bill), to go out and ask Congress to revise the 1978 FISA act and allow them to expand their current surveillance capabilities.

Actually I find it quite ironic. Their current illegal wiretapping program allows the Bush Administration to read YOUR emails, yet they won't let Congress read theirs.

They have completely lost it. To think that Congress will give them an inch on this, let alone open up investigations on the current wiretapping crimes they are committing is foolish.

Of course thinking they can win a court battle with Congress over basic law and the Constitution's assertion that Congress and the White House are co-equal branches of Government, well apparently they don't mind taking up this suicide mission.

But maybe that will be Bush's defense when he faces criminal charges. Insanity. A straight jacket is a lot more apealing than a prison cell when you only pretend to be a tough cowboy and really are a cowardly wimp.


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