Wednesday, April 18, 2007

An Open Letter to the RNC

It seems that the RNC is weighing in on the decision to hand over the emails that the Bush Administration has not released. The Administration is trying to force the RNC into giving them the emails first so they can edit or dispose of them no doubt.

Congress is likely to issue subpoenas and Bush will lose this challenge anyway. That is if they don't get their hands on these emails first and attempt to destroy or alter the evidence.

I decided to write an open letter to the RNC on the subject. I am sure my opinion matters for nothing but speaking to them in political terms, terms they seem to understand, is the right way to go. Basically they need to run away from Rove, Bush and Cheney as fast as they can...

Dear RNC,

This is your chance to restore integrity to the conservative cause and purge the neo-cons from your ranks once and for all. Their policies have made you the minority for years if not decades to come. You are losing the support of moderates everywhere as they choose the Democratic Party to be closer to their beliefs.

You reputation has been tarnished by the arrogance of the Bush Administration. Your integrity has been impugned by the Bush Administration's constant disregard for the law and the lies they have been caught in countless times before. Your conservatism has been questioned by the largest spending administration of all time and it's massive increase in government.

The scandals just keep getting worse and over the next 2 years it could be enough to bury not only your Presidential candidates' chances but also put you in a far deeper minority where you spend generations having to wait your turn again.

There is one way out of all of this for you. Disassociate with the President and his attempt to abuse Executive Privilege and hand over the emails that you are assured to be subpoena'd for.

Let's face it, this will not hold up in the court of law and then you will come off looking even worse for trying to cover up and hide things for an Administration that most view as corrupt and that only 30% of the nation supports. How do you win in this situation?

Handing over the emails will certainly increase the ability to oust Bush and Cheney but it also gives the GOP some credibility in not being a part of the cover up. It provides you with cover in that you were only doing as you were told by the Executive Branch. It allows the party to back away from the unpopularity of this President.

Sure there will be a few sacrificial lambs but Brutus didn't kill Julius Caesar because he wanted power or hated the man, he did it because he believed he was serving the good of the Roman Republic and preventing a tyrant from subverting Roman law for his own power grab.

Here too, the friends of the tyrant must wield their swords... for the good of the Republic.

For the future of the country and the Republican Party, ignore marching orders from the President and do what is right. The courts will uphold your decision if you do.


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