Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Manufactured Scandals

So the term "Manfactured Scandal", which Tom DeLay so famously decided to use to describe the real scandal with real legal implications known as the Alberto Gonzales-US Attorney Firing Fiasco, came to mind today.

Republicans have been Manufacturing Scandals pretty well since the Clinton Administration took oath (see Clinton killed Vince Foster and others). This one was a doozy.

Nancy Pelosi goes to Syria to provide a basic function this White House has refused to provide to allies and enemies alike since they took charge in January 2001... Diplomacy.

Syria is not our ally, but when we alienate them and leave them out of the discussion we are asking to create an even more tenuous relationship with them.

So Bush goes out and criticizes her trip and tries to play her off as a traitor for speaking with a country which sponsors terrorists.

Two things to remember here.

1. Republicans made a similar trip to Syria with cooperation from the White House just a few months back and didn't receive an ounce of flack.

2. As soon as she gets over there the Iranians (allies with the Syrians) release 15 British sailors they were holding hostage.

Wow, could it be that diplomacy actually works? Bush is probably irate because this took away one of their reasons for war with Iran.

Either way this is complete egg on the face of the Administration, to have Democrats going to the Middle East and in one fell swoop cleaning up messes they purposely made.

So that term, "Manufactured Scandal" comes completely into play. Republicans will try to make her seem like a traitor even though some of their own made the very same trip. The problem here is she went, soldiers ended up released and low and behold communication was made.

The problem is Bush is too focused on an Iranian war to want what's best for either side. We mentioned that state sponsor of terrorism label he put on Syria. Turns out Bush and Cheney have been funding Pakistani terrorists in an attempt to wreak havoc in Iran. It was one of the focuses of Cheney's recent visit with Musharraf.

Not to mention the magical word from right wingers that Iran is closer than ever to having Nuclear Capabilities. Of course the right and Israel has made this claim several times...

I just don't buy it. We're pressing this war. We're the ones funding terrorists to attack a country we don't like. We're the ones refusing to talk with them. We're the ones who bullshitted all of our intelligence to make the same exact case about Iraq before we invaded them.

It's interesting to me that any media outlet would take the Bush Administration and their Iranian Nuclear claims with any sort of legitimacy as if they have credibility at this point. Name a single topic since the beginning of this administration and there is likely a lie and a scandal behind each and every one.

Either way Pelosi going over there shows the difference in results between diplomacy and iron fisted ultimatums. Us versus Them doesn't work. It's too bad we've spent the past 6+ years with a President that seems deadset on setting the World's diplomacy tactics back to the dark ages (not to mention setting back science and other sectors of American life).

What a nice glimpse this gives of 2008 and the options on the ballot. The Bush World where nothing gets accomplished and America is hated universally, or the Democratic World where people of all nations can live peacibly and in agreement with one another on key points of life and security.

Time for a change indeed.


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