Friday, April 13, 2007

Impeachment needs to be ON the table.

Andrew Jackson and Bill Clinton faced impeachment for far less and yet Democrats still haven't put impeachment on the table.

Every day this regime stays in office, they kill more soldiers and Iraqis with their ridiculous war policy, subvert the constitution and make the Presidency the role of a dictator, they work towards eliminating fairness in elections, they harm the environment by rewriting EPA reports, they loot the treasury of tax dollars for their contributor/benefactors, they alienate foreign powers and create enemies for generations to come and as a whole they flip the bird at the rule of law.

How the fuck is impeachment NOT on the table?

With the entire email scandal we're talking about the Presidential Records Law being broken. We already have Oath of Offices broken from other lies involving the war. You can make an easy case that the entire wiretapping fiasco is illegal and I don't doubt that something legally could be done about the way signing statements are being carried out.

The legal arguments are there! This isn't just a leg to stand on, this is an entire army of legs.

Not to mention the man is so ungodly unpopular, there will not be the backlash Republicans faced over the Clinton fiasco. Clinton was popular and most people did not believe he should be impeached over oral sex.

Let me point this out to Democrats who need a slap in the face.


You might be aware of that but many of you seem too timid to act.

Also, this is NOT about retaliation. Had Bush not subverted law at every turn this wouldn't even be a discussion, no matter how much we hate his policies. He and his crew of criminals did this themselves.

My advice to Democrats is this:

Subpoena the emails all the way back to 2001. Find everything you can find. Find the 2004 Election Fraud info, find the Attorney Scandal stuff, find the memos about lying about this war, find all the wiretapping memos you can, find EVERYTHING.

And do it quickly.

America can ill afford anymore time with this man in charge. Our soldiers, our citizens, IRAQI citizens all deserve better.

No more off the table shit.

Once you get the emails the shit will hit the fan. Even Republicans won't carry water for this man anymore.

I haven't read them but I can't imagine a single person that doesn't believe that SEVERAL smoking guns will be found there.

Get the emails. Impeach Bush & Cheney. Begin criminal proceedings.

These men have broke the law numerous times and NOBODY, even the son of a rich oil-invested politician, is ABOVE the law.

Not to mention Americans SUPPORT the impeachment of this President. They supported it in November of 2005 by a 53-42 margin. 51% again supported impeachment in a poll taken on 10/21/06. 58% said they "wished Bush Presidency was over" on 1/25/07.

There are even more scandals out there today. Since January every week has seen a new scandal pass. I am willing to bet that support is higher than it has ever been for ousting Bush.

Democrats have nothing to lose. The people support them against Bush. It's time for some backbone and it's time for some action.

America must show that it does indeed run by rule of law and that applies to everybody. If not, we might as well toss our morality plays on other countries to the side because we are no different than Communism was to the Russian people. After decades of fighting off those "godless communists", it would be the ultimate irony if many of the Republicans who waged that war were the ones who essentially adopted their policies towards their people.

It is our job to demand our country back and take a stand, and as OUR representatives Democrats need to do the same.


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