Thursday, July 12, 2007

Bush Administration to Lie About Iraq War Benchmarks

This is not a surprise. After all they have an aversion to the truth. Otherwise why would they refuse to comply with investigation after investigation, refuse subpoenas, refuse to hand over documents, commute law breakers and ignore PDBs and Iraq Study Group recommendations that could save thousands of lives?

Well it turns out they're about to lie again. The New York Times is reporting that Bush is going to go out and baldface lie to the American public by stating that Iraq has made progress on half of the 18 benchmarks that was set for them in the bill that authorized the surge this past January.

That's a lie because as it turns out they have met Zero of those Eighteen benchmarks. Iraqis have no control of their own puppet government and until the Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds make their own political pact we can have no effective solution to stop the violence in Iraq. Bush knows it but refuses to let the war go before he leaves office.

Here's a video from Countdown with Keith Olbermann that clearly points out the fallacy of the coming Bush statements:


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