Sunday, July 22, 2007

Congressman John Olver believes Bush will cancel elections and strike Iran, but won't sign on to impeach.

This is the disturbing stance Democrats seem to be taking. Apparently it doesn't matter what laws this bastard breaks, impeaching him is too drastic for them...

EVEN when they believe he will cancel the 2008 elections (does that declare him our permanent King?) and strike Iran. That's what Massachussetts Congressman John Olver (pictured) stated in a meeting with those looking to get him to support impeachment. This is fucking mindblowing.

When he aggrandized himself on his voting record, I took exception to 24 April 2007. When he asked what I was referring to, I challenged him to co-sponsor H. Res. 333; and he emphatically refused.


He is deeply concerned whether we will actually have an election in Nov. '08, as he believes this administration will likely strike Iran from the air, declare a national emergency, and cancel the '08 elections.

The positive thing is he's not the definitive say and it seems FINALLY John Conyers is coming around and getting closer to moving on impeachment.

From David Swanson:

I was a guest today on Bree Walker's radio show. She's the progressive radio host from San Diego who purchased Cindy Sheehan's land from her in Crawford, Texas.

Bree attended an event on Friday in San Diego at which Congressman Conyers spoke about impeachment. Her report was extremely interesting. I had already heard reports that Conyers had said: "What are we waiting for? Let's take these two guys out!" But, of course, what we're waiting for is John Conyers. Is he ready to act? It was hard to tell from that comment. In January, Conyers spoke at a huge rally on the National Mall and declared "We can fire them!" but later explained that what he meant was that we could wait for two years and Bush and Cheney's terms would end. Was this week's remark just more empty rhetoric?

It appears to be more than that. Bree Walker told me, on the air, that Conyers said that all he needs is three more Congress Members backing impeachment, and he'll move on it, even without Pelosi. I asked whether that meant specifically moving from 14 cosponsors of H Res 333 to 17, or adding 3 to the larger number of Congress Members who have spoken favorably of impeachment but not all signed onto bills. Bree said she didn't know and that Conyers had declined to take any questions.

Good news. Someone has to stop these criminals. If not the Democrats... who?


UPDATE: Apparently Conyers did not state the "3 more" comment. David Swanson is aligned with Cindy Sheehan so they are going gung ho after Democrats until they get their way. I understand their problems with Democrats not pressing impeachment but Swanson making stories up doesn't help the cause.

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