Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Independence From Republicans

On this Fourth of July I thought I'd reflect on what a great country we could be... and the best way to do that is dispell the myths against Democrats that Republicans use to court voters, the very voters in which their bills do financial harm to.

They trick people to vote for them based on smearing the truth on social issues and playing off their fear.

All of the poor and middle class voters that vote Republicans tend to do so for three major reasons: 1) They are against Gay Marriage, 2) They are against abortion, 3) They believe Democrats will take their guns away.

Also their misinformed views of the Middle East, why the Iraq War was waged and about the real truths of 9/11 confuses them as well.

Quickly shooting all that down:

1) Democrats tend to believe that States should make their own determination on Gay Marriage and have not pressed a bill in Congress to pass Gay Marriage as law. Republicans lie on this issue to scare the voters.

2) Democrats have not passed any pro-abortion laws. In fact their support for sex education and condom distribution are ways to lower the unwanted pregnancy rates. In effect they are attempting to lower abortion rates. Republicans however use this wedge issue, force abstinence only teaching in school which has actually worsened the unwanted pregnancy rates and oh yeah they have never pushed for an abortion-ban law... EVER. They do appoint activist judges (ironically they don't want activist judges when it comes to gay marriage but DO want them when it comes to abortion) to do their dirty work but no Republican politician has attempted to ban abortion, making this issue also a Republican lie to scare voters.

3) Democrats are not anti-gun. We believe in the Second Amendment. We believe in the Brady Bill (as do most Republicans) to try to trace where the guns end up but we don't believe in preventing lawful gun owners from purchasing any non-military grade weapon. Many Democrats are gun enthusiasts who hunt or go to gun ranges. Again this is a Republican lie to scare voters.

4) Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. Stop watching FOX NEWS and you'll get this point. Democrats know that our presence is creating an ever-growing terrorist network. They trot out the line, "if we leave Iraq, they'll come here". Sadly enough they'll come here anyway eventually, but strengthening our homeland security by increasing aid to first responders, securing ports and nuclear facilities, bringing back our national guardsmen and relying on and actually listening to intelligence reports when chatter is picked up as it was prior to 9/11 will actually help prevent further attacks.

Leaving there stems the future tide of future terrorists, or at the very least slows it. al-Qaeda's main reason for attacking and hating us was our presence in Saudi Arabia and Iraq during the Gulf War. Pulling out gives less Iraqis reason to hate us and more reason to get involved in rebuilding their country. While we are there, we provide the image of imperial ownership. That they cannot determine their own path because we control their oil and their politicians. They need us to leave to become involved in their own future. There's a lot of work to be done and many that have taken up arms against us would be interested in dropping those arms to create a homeland that represents their beliefs.

After the American Revolution it took our own people to infight and ratify the laws and protocols of the land. There were farmers who rioted and many conflicts that made our future cloudy but we did it on our own, not at gunpoint by the British. We needed to figure ourselves out. They need to do the same.


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