Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Contempt of Congress citation sent to House; White House calls it "pathetic".

Let's put all the speculation in a few of the more recent posts on here, aside. After all we're just speculating now on the worst possible scenarios. Of course the last time I did that was in 2000 when Bush was running for office. I told people he would go to war, destroy the environment, wreck our economy and disregard law like he did in Texas when he had Alberto Gonzales covered his DUI charge.

Of course I didn't realize how much worse it would be than my most extreme predictions. Whenever you rally against a candidate you really dislike more times than not you exaggerate their worst flaws to try to dehumanize them. I guess nothing I could do would dehumanize Bush enough to the crimes he has committed now.

The saddest part is, the American people didn't wake up even by 2004 and made it close enough for them to steal the election from a good man, John Kerry. And now as I predicted after that election, Bush would do as he pleased thinking this was some sort of mandate from the American people and worse, facing no relection to keep him accountable.

What Bush didn't count on was the American people finally catching on by 2006 and electing a Democratic Congress to perform oversight and try to make him accountable.

So when Bush tried to turn the Department of Justice (among other government agencies) into a political arm of Karl Rove and the Republican party, Democrats decided to serve up subpoenas, hold hearings and finally for once make Bush accountable.

The problem is, as shown by his disregard for FISA laws and his signing statements on bills that say that passed laws will only be considered advisory, Bush doesn't care about hearings or upholding the law.

So he stonewalled the committee and told Josh Bolten and Harriet Miers to refuse subpoenas.

The House Judiciary Committee voted 22-17 (yes, there were 17 angry Republican white men in that room trying everything they could to derail the motion) to send the citation to the House for a full vote where Democrats easily hold the majority.

That means this will go to the courts in which Bush still has an advantage thanks to his packing the courts with right wing cronies.

Still in the face of finally having to uphold the law, Tony Snow pretty much summed up the White House's disdain for laws and the constitution (which gives these authorities to Congress).

From The Swamp:

“From our view, this is pathetic,’’ said White House spokesman Tony Snow, suggesting that the Justice Department will make its own findings about any referral for prosecution of contempt and that this likely is “not likely to go anywhere... What you have right now is partisanship on Capitol Hill.’’

Wow. It's hard to fathom from a group of people who break every law they see, the word pathetic coming out unless it was a self description.

So now we go and play ball in the courts. Of course the way this Administration is going, they'll just pardon their own anyways.

Call your Representatives and Senators and tell them to impeach! Anything less will not stop these bastards!


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